Monday, February 11, 2013

The Catching Up Series

This is the longest gap I have ever had in my blogging history! The most unfortunate thing about this gap is that it's the most active time of year. Birthdays, Holidays, Family Time. I have missed it all! So, for the next few posts, I will be catching everyone up to speed. If nothing else, I will be logging in the memories that are still fresh (ish) in my mind before they are (semi) lost forever. When I look back on my blog, I don't want a gaping hole where Lauren's first birthday should be (or Rachel's 3rd or Levi's 5th for that matter).

So please enjoy... The Fall of 2012 Revisited.

Catching Up: August 2012

This month is typically full of birthdays for my husband, brother and sister-in-laws and Father-in-law. Now, on top of that we start getting ready for school. All of my children started school of some sort this year. Lauren entered her first year of MDO (Moms Day Out) at the local Methodist Church. Rachel entered her last year of MDO and Levi his last year of Preschool! So for one year they are all in the same building for school. This will only happen one other time. When Lauren is in Kindergarten and Levi will be in fourth. I know that seems a little detail, but I like tidbits like that. And it is one of the few interesting things I had to say about August. But watch out, September was a doozie!

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