Tuesday, February 26, 2008

LEVI has a new Cousin!
Today we welcomed a new baby girl into the Ferris Family!

Kassidy Alyse Ferris was born
at 7:03 am.

Amy, Jeremy, and Kassidy are all doing great!
Levi is already taking a liking to her.

Levi let me know on Sunday that it was going to be a girl. I asked him if it was going to be Kassidy or Austin and when I said Kassidy, he started babbling up a storm, but when I said Austin he quit talking and looked away. So I told Matthew on Sunday that Amy was going to have a girl, because Levi said so :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

You can see his dimple in this picture!

Levi pooped and it got on his onesie. I decide that I could change his onesie without taking all his clothes off...I did it,
but at one point he looked like this. In my mind he is saying,
"Help! This lady obviously doesn't know what she is doing!"


So I have gained more ground this week as a mother. It seems that each week I get a little more into the groove of parenthood. Some weeks I grow in the area of my son and other weeks it I grow personally. This past week was a personal week. I am trying to branch out socially, but I didn't realize that my son would end up being that branch. For instance, I went to a cloth diapering support group. Levi sat on my lap and played while I socialized. He is the reason I was there, but it didn't really benefit him any, ya know. The same way with the holistic moms group. I am also starting a play group at my house, and there will be lots of moms with their children, but the goal is for me and other moms to socialize. So when I think of all these new opportunities to connect with other moms, I know that Levi is the reason I have these opportunities, which makes me think of that guy who buys a dog just so he can go to the dog park and meet girls...but then again I didn't have Levi to join/create social groups ...

Its like Levi is the key to this whole other world where I can connect with women on a mom level. Which, some of you may know, is a very deep level sometimes. Moms have been through more selfless pain than most people. They are (at least in this moment in their lives) living for everyone else most of the time and for themselves a little of the time. And we wouldn't trade it for anything, but meeting another person who is in that same place can make the journey that much more enjoyable. No one understands the sleepless nights, the crying (mom and baby), and the growing pains (mom and baby) like another mother can. The same is true for the wonders of motherhood. The first smile (and every subsequent smile), the first real laugh (I'm still waiting for that one), and the way they wiggle with excitement when they hear your voice and see your face.
Levi looks so cute!
Although, due to the angle, I look rather strange...

BY THE WAY- If you read this blog could you please leave a comment. I changed the filter on the settings page so it should be easy to do now. Thanks :)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

We had another wonderful week with little Levi. He is making Matthew wait even longer to see him roll over. He must be working on some sort of routine to go with the roll over. I also tried to get the video to upload to this site and was unsuccessful. I keep getting an error message...I will try again when I get the time.

We had a good Valentine's Day. I took the liberty of making valentine
messages and putting them beside him and taking pictures...it was fun :)

We have had a challenging few days and they are definitely showing me how hard it is to be a mother, and I have a very low-key baby. I actually don't think I could do it without God. I depend on him so much at those times when things are chaotic. I am a logic-based person and when my son is crying for "no good reason" I just get so frustrated. That is when I look to God to help calm my nerves. He is really good at that!

Here are just some cute pictures that I want to share with everyone.

Here we all are in our Colts outfits.

Aunt Sammy took this picture the other day when we were at her house.

This is how we travel these days. We bring "Love You Bear"
with us because he is small and he doesn't make noise.

This is the latest daddy-Levi picture...isn't it cute?

Monday, February 04, 2008

The last week of January was a big one for Levi. He rolled over for the first time on January 31st! Then he did it 3 more times on February 1st. Unfortunately, Matthew has missed all four accounts. However, I did manage to get one on video, and my goal this week is to upload it onto this blog...that will be a learning experience for me.

For myself, I have really started to fall in love with motherhood. I wasn't one of those mothers who could say she was head-over-heels in love with Levi the moment I saw him. I mean I loved him, but it was more because he was mine and Matthew's child and he needed me...this may seem harsh to some people, but it is the reality. The first 2 months of his life were all about me just taking care of him out of love and responsibility...I was just getting to know him...really know him. During all this I am also trying to redefine my relationship with Matthew with the objective of creating a new 'normal' that had a healthy balance. If that weren't enough I had to find myself in all of this chaos. I must end this downward spiral by saying that in the last three weeks I have made peace with this inner battle for now. I love juggling all of these balls in the air now. Matthew and I make each other a priority. It takes the two of us working really hard at finding ways to spend time together, but it is totally worth it. And because we do that, we feel more energized to be with our son. My life as it is now would not be complete without Levi. I have fallen into mother-love with him. I know (for the most part) when he's hungry, sleepy, happy, hurting...

There are a lot of parallels to mother love and romantic love. I guess you could say I was infatuated with Levi at first and we have just made the transition into real love. The kind of love that will cover a multitude of sins...