Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Finally a birthday update...a month later.

Sorry, about the delay. He is now 13 months old...I am blaming this on the busy season, being sick, and my new job...I can't think of anything else, but if you do just add it to my list.

My little "Bitty Baby" is not so little any more. He is one, a toddler. He weighed 17lb 6oz and was 29 3/4 inches at his 1 year appointment. I understand he is a light weight, but he has gained 3 times the average each of the last four months, and he is happy/healthy. He is daily eating new foods and doing well with them. I am no longer worried. He is on the advanced end of the scale as far as development goes so that proves that he is growing at the exact rate he is supposed to.

Anyway, I have been spending a lot of time going over this past year. It has been the most life altering year I have ever had, and in my young life I have had a few life-altering years. I have really learned a lot about being a parent this year. I learned that I can carry a baby, have him naturally and at home, and nurse. Then, I learned that I can go on about 2 hours sleep if need be, I can hear my son cry only with a monitor in one home, but I can hear his every move in another...teeth can be a real pain, for some babies, but not all. Worrying won't make your child gain weight. Babies have runny noses sometimes just because...and they don't need to be wiped every two seconds. I can fake like I'm okay for the sake of my son when he takes a spill (inside I am saying "oh crap are you okay?" and cringing). I love him so much I want to cry some days (and some days I do). I want to give him everything yet I want him to learn that he doesn't need any of it to be truly happy. Bed time is a magical time (if it is before 10 o'clock). Sometimes chewing is really all a boy wants to do...swallowing is optional...playing with the chewed-up-food is much more likely. Blocks are made for knocking down. Cell phones are addictive...even for babies. Remote-control lust starts in the womb. Your child will always have a slight squeeze on your heart. Time is a rocket and you don't get any of it back.

Okay, so the birthday party was good. It is a stressful event. But we were happy to share it with our family and friends. It only happens once in a life time.

Icing on the nose provided by Uncle Aaron.

Not a huge fan of cupcakes...but sugar is sugar.

This is my home-made cupcake tree...feel free to be impressed.

Grandma Judy with cousin Kassidy. Cousin Natalie is in the background.

Yeah for turning one!

Friday, December 05, 2008


Levi is now a "big boy" he is one year old! We had a party with some friends and family on his actual birthday. It was a lot of fun, but I am glad that is all over. I will post more about his first year in the near future. I just wanted to get some pictures of his party and a video or two on the blog since it has been nearly two months since my last post.

HOWEVER...as I was getting my blog stuff together at home to take to a computer with the internet, I have misplaced my blog pictures...not sure what happened....will be posting again in a few days with pics and video...hmm