Thursday, July 03, 2008

We have ourselves a cruiser!

Levi is in full on crawl mode. He is able to get where he wants and he can pull himself to standing. I can't believe how mobile he is!

He also had his first two teeth pop through last Wednesday, June 25th. The bottom two are in and coming up nicely...then I saw that his top two are just under the last couple of layers of he should have four in the next week or so :)

Well with that said, I have been trying to introduce solid foods to's a no go. This kid eats about 7 to 9 times a day (nursing) I try to get him to eat 2-4oz of solid food as well...that has been a real struggle. He will eat them some days and other days, he won't eat any. In the beginning, he ate pretty well, but he has experienced a major decline in the desire to eat any solid foods except puffs and cheerios. I am open to suggestions so please feel free to comment on this topic. If he is really hungry, only nursing will do. He does eat cheerios and puffs like they are going out of style, but I want to get him into veggies and fruits and stuff...what gives?!


This is Levi at Grant's "pool party"

He's "helping" me with the laundry...

We take a lot of bike rides with Levi and he almost always takes a little cat nap...can you blame him?

The Boys Club
(Bob and Grant, Donnie and Gavin, and Matthew and Levi)
We had a neighborhood cook out in June and the guys got together for a picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is really cool! The guys look like they are having fun and so do the little ones! Kathy Summerfield