Monday, April 30, 2012

The Curse of the Baby of the Family

The third child...the last child...the finale...the baby of the family.

All of these phrases have been used to describe Lauren, our youngest and final Ferris baby. I have fought to keep it equal. I take a picture of her to mark each month just like I did with Levi and Rachel. I take a fair amount of pictures of her with my phone, but otherwise, I am slacking a bit. I have so much going on that to sit around and wait for a good photo op would be just as bad as catching up on all the seasons of Grey's Anatomy in a single week. (Or reading all three Hunger Games books in a month...ooops, I did do that). Anyway, I feel that I have committed a far worse crime than lagging a bit on my pictures of my sweet baby Lauren. I have failed to blog (journal) her milestones.

This can't be rectified in a single sitting, but I can say that I have something to give her that the others don't have at this point. A great excuse.

Dear Lauren,

I know that if you ever get a chance to look over this blog you will notice that you have a wonderful birth story. I wrote it less than 24 hours after you were born. We were waking up from our first night together and I lovingly typed it on the laptop while you slept just inches from me. seems that you sort of fell off the face of the blogger planet. I promise you didn't, but my ability to get to a computer and easily put a digital pin in that moment in time has increased in difficulty. But here is what I have been doing. I have been making mental pictures of when you first rolled over (10 or 11 weeks old). I know that you sat up at 5 months and you hit your weight goal of 13lb 14oz at your 6 month check up. I know that one day in the morning you couldn't sit up on your own and then by afternoon of that same day *poof* you could! It was amazing to see you grow a little right in front of my eyes. I sit at night and push your little soft baby head right up to my nose and take deep breathes and try to memorize what it feels and smells like to have a warm baby head right on my face. I hold back tears sometimes when you reach a milestone, because it is the last first time I will see that! So I may not be great at writing down all these things, but I am trying to enjoy them to the fullest. I will catch up a little more with some pictures when I am able to. I have taken some great pictures and you will get your own post with lots of pictures VERY soon. I promise!

Your Mama

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