~~Funny Story~~
"I see Jesus!"
Sunday we went to Conner Prairie. We were around the barn area looking at the sheep and ponies in the fenced-in area around the barn. Suddenly Levi shouts, "I see Jesus!" I said, "What? Where?" Knowing full well the real Jesus was not hanging out at Conner Prairie, but curious as to whom he was referring to. He says, "Right there." and points to a CP worker with a staff trying unsuccessfully to round up the ponies into the barn. "That guy? Why do you think he is Jesus?" He replies, "Well, Jesus is our shepherd and that guy is a shepherd so he's Jesus ." I love three-year-old logic!

Good disguise Jesus...but the staff gave you away.
Levi-I'm not a baby, I'm a big boy-Ferris

I wanted to be fair and take a moment to blog about Levi. He is also growing faster than my mind can comprehend. He has completely left the toddler stage and is plowing full force into being a preschooler. As a matter of fact he will officially be in preschool starting in September.
Our latest adventure has been the beginning of Phonics-type lessons. We have that series "Your Baby can Read" and we are also working on the sounds letters make and putting them together. He is taking to it really well and watching him learn and put sounds together to make words is awesome. We do it every day unless he doesn't want to. I want this to be fun for him so I let him decide if we do it or not. We are also working on writing the letters of his name. He is getting better and better. We will branch out beyond that at some point, but I am in no hurry. I often struggle with the balance of learning all these skills and letting him just be three. He likes the one-on-one time that comes with it though, as well as learning new things. I guess with his personality, he would be the first to tell me he hated it.
He is still very aware of the baby in my belly. I think he is very excited about another sibling. He shows great care for my belly and talks to the baby a lot. He also makes sure to give the baby a hug before I get my hug. I am okay with that, he is more at my tummy's height than my arms. His favorite thing to do is to kiss my belly and immediately follow it with a razz-berry. I find it funny and think the baby can probably hear it and thinks..."man that brother of mine is weird!"
He is very caring towards Rachel as well...when he is not busy pestering her. For the most part, he helps her when she needs it and he will run and get things for her/me. She is learning that he hates when she repeats everything he says and so a fight can break out quickly when that game starts. They also love to sing together. Not the same tune mind you, but simultaneously. This happens most frequently in the car. There are times when I wish I had a fiberglass wall between myself and them. Their volume can wake the dead. Other times I love listening to them sing and imagine that one day they will be a family band. I hope that in the near future they will at least sing the same song at the same time...that will be easier to tolerate on a regular basis.
A few things about Levi
His favorite color: Green
His favorite game: Tickle and tackle (this is a Daddy/Levi game)
His favorite movie: Lord of the Beans
His favorite show: Little Einsteins
His favorite food: smoothies (milk and yogurt)
His favorite activity: riding his bike or swimming
His favorite toy: anything related to Cars (the movie) or Little Einsteins
We are taking him to his first movie theater experience this next week. Cars 2 is coming out and we thought it would be a perfect first movie for him. Hope he can make it through. I can't wait for his reaction to a screen that big!
Here are a few pictures from Conner Prairie.
It was such a beautiful day and the kids loved the animals!

Levi making a candle
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