Forgiveness: A Lesson That can Never be Taught too Early

Today was not one of those days that I would like to remember when it comes to my behavior. I had a bad "Mommy Moment" that resulted in me yelling at Levi during nap time (for not napping) and leaving his room to go scream at the top of my lungs. I am totally embarrassed to admit this, but it is crucial to the story.
You see after I did this, I felt horrible. I went to get Matthew to take over the situation because I knew I was in no emotional position to do so. He did and I was grateful he was here. After I had collected myself I went upstairs to make things right. However, when I got to Levi's room, he was asleep. I patiently waited until the end of nap time. When he awoke he came bounding down the stairs in his usual Levi-full-of-energy way and I asked him to sit on the couch in the play room so I could talk to him. I scooped him up in my lap and looked him straight in the eye and apologized for my behavior. What little he had done wrong did not excuse how I had reacted. I asked, "Will you forgive me?" to which he replied, "Will you forgive me?" I immediately said yes. He then said he forgave me. But he added, "You know, people shouldn't yell at other people. But, I love you anyway." And then proceeded to give me a big hug and kiss.
I was crying a bit because I was truly sorry for my behavior AND because I hope this is an indicator that we are raising a child who truly knows how to forgive and love those that have wronged him. He is only 3 and a half, but there are days when I feel he is wise beyond his years.
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