I felt like Rachel deserved her own post today so this is all about her!
She turned 8 months last Friday. She is now in my favorite part of her first year. She is fully mobile, she feeds herself (sometimes), and our routine is pretty solid. I know what to expect from her on a daily basis. She is a happy, healthy little girl. Her smile brightens my day instantly.
I must say too that without comparing Levi and Rachel too much, they are quite alike. They look so similar it is scary at times. They also have the same zest for life and adventure. Rachel is much like Levi was at this point. Always moving and getting into mischief. They get along really well because of that commonality. HOWEVER, a huge difference between the two of them is that Rachel still finds time to eat. Levi had horrible eating habits at this point and his weight was suffering because of it. Rachel on the other hand nurses about 5 times a day and manages to put away about 12oz of solid food...that is three meals a day. She is a good eater and her weight is still on the low end of the charts...but at least she is on the charts :) But is does go to show that I do not make big babies. They come out at a nice weight, but then they just grow steadily at the bottom of normal. And as the one who has to carry them around all day, I don't mind one bit!
Currently we are working with our first baby signs with Rachel. We are big on using "more", "all done" "eat" and "milk". Beyond that we will see how quickly she talks and if she needs more of the signs. She is pulling herself up on everything and her cruising is improving daily. I will not predict when she will walk as there are no real indicators for that. She will when she does :) The other big milestone of the first year has yet to be reached...her first tooth still eludes us. Not a one in sight. I am not upset about this however since I am still nursing all day.
Here are some pictures of Miss Rachel or as Levi would call her "Ray Ray".

1 comment:
She's cute!! Love the tiara!
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