Half way to Three!
We have reached the half-way mark in Levi's journey to three. He officially turned Two and a half on Sunday the 16th, so this post is all about him!
Since turning two, Levi is capable of expressing complex ideas, his pretend play has jumped to a whole other level, and he has nearly mastered the art of using the potty to relieve himself. He has also become quite the eater. He enjoys an array of foods from chicken and hamburgers to broccoli and salad. He will always love yogurt and desserts though :) He has even recently begun to out eat me at a meal!
~Funny Story~
The other day we were at my Mom and Dad's house and Levi was acting up. I told him that if he didn't obey he was going to be put in the corner (a common practice at our house). And without missing a beat he looked at me and said, "Mamaw's house doesn't have corners." to which I replied, "There are corners everywhere buddy." Thankfully, I didn't have to prove my statement to him that day.
So what is Levi into these days?
His favorite show is Little Einsteins. He could watch them all day if we let him.
His favorite toy is anything Thomas or train related. Although his stuffed "rocket" from Little Einsteins is a close second.
His favorite food is probably cheese. He is cyclical with most foods though so it depends on the day.
His favorite book is his Thomas books. A four book set that he almost has memorized. Jamberry has taken a back seat at this point.
His favorite activity is still basketball. Although riding his bike is a close second.
What does the summer hold for Levi?
Well, we are currently in Level 6 at Gymboree. I hope to start school skills when he turns 3. He ended his last day of Mom's day out today so we will have the summer free to go on vacations and other fun stuff. He will be going on Wednesdays in the fall with his BFF, Grant. Besides that he will be doing all the fun things that go with summer time! We will keep you posted.
~Funny Story 2~
Last Thursday (May 20) was not a good day for Levi. He had gotten in a lot of trouble by 9:30am . I have bible study then and as we were on our way, we were having a discussion about his behavior. During this conversation he said, "Well, today you were mean Mommy, and the bible says that's terrible." Now it wasn't that fluid, but that is what he said. Who is teaching these lessons? It wasn't funny at the time, but it is now :)
Here are some fun pictures of Levi from the past couple of months:

The zoo with the Ferris family

~Funny Story~
The other day we were at my Mom and Dad's house and Levi was acting up. I told him that if he didn't obey he was going to be put in the corner (a common practice at our house). And without missing a beat he looked at me and said, "Mamaw's house doesn't have corners." to which I replied, "There are corners everywhere buddy." Thankfully, I didn't have to prove my statement to him that day.
So what is Levi into these days?
His favorite show is Little Einsteins. He could watch them all day if we let him.
His favorite toy is anything Thomas or train related. Although his stuffed "rocket" from Little Einsteins is a close second.
His favorite food is probably cheese. He is cyclical with most foods though so it depends on the day.
His favorite book is his Thomas books. A four book set that he almost has memorized. Jamberry has taken a back seat at this point.
His favorite activity is still basketball. Although riding his bike is a close second.
What does the summer hold for Levi?
Well, we are currently in Level 6 at Gymboree. I hope to start school skills when he turns 3. He ended his last day of Mom's day out today so we will have the summer free to go on vacations and other fun stuff. He will be going on Wednesdays in the fall with his BFF, Grant. Besides that he will be doing all the fun things that go with summer time! We will keep you posted.
~Funny Story 2~
Last Thursday (May 20) was not a good day for Levi. He had gotten in a lot of trouble by 9:30am . I have bible study then and as we were on our way, we were having a discussion about his behavior. During this conversation he said, "Well, today you were mean Mommy, and the bible says that's terrible." Now it wasn't that fluid, but that is what he said. Who is teaching these lessons? It wasn't funny at the time, but it is now :)
Here are some fun pictures of Levi from the past couple of months:
Gymboree: Level 6

The zoo with the Ferris family

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