Holiday Wrap Up

This year's Holiday festivities seemed to start as quickly as they ended. I would have enjoyed them more if I had not been struck with a nasty stomach bug the day before Christmas Eve. I had been heavily involved in the planning and performing in our Church's Christmas gathering this year. I had never been a part of it and was looking forward to it for weeks but...
I was up all night with stomach pains and on the morning of the gathering I had a fever and a bad stomach ache...and other things that shouldn't be talked about in detail...this completely took me out for the entire day, and left me so-so for the remainder of the weekend. However, I am probably one of the few people that lost weight over the holidays :)
Our family Christmases were both on Christmas Eve. The Ferris side was in the morning and the Hymes side was in the evening. It was a lot to take in for one day, but the kids had a great time. Levi is still fuzzy on the grand picture of Christmas. He gets that it is Jesus' birthday and that we give presents, but the Santa thing is not something we ever talked about before. We don't really like the idea of that aspect of the holiday...but the awe and wonder of it is unforgettable even as an we are still undecided as to how much of that to allow. Anyway, the kids received some nice things and liked hanging out with all their cousins. We didn't take pictures though this year...not sure why. We also got a chance to spend time with my grandparents (my Mom's Dad and his wife) on Christmas day. It kind of gives me a double dose of my family since both my siblings and my parents gather there on Christmas afternoon.
Our Christmas was at the traditional time. We still have the luxury of making Christmas happen when we want to and we took advantage of that. We started around 9am...after breakfast even. We did video tape our own Christmas and it was full of little moments I am sure I will cherish. If I can edit some of the video to a short snip-it, I might share on here.
One of the highlights of the weekend was the fact that Levi got more enjoyment out of passing gifts to others than he did opening his own. He kept asking, "Do we have any more gifts to give people mom?" I hope he continues this attitude. Not to say that he didn't get a thrill out of opening his gifts. As a matter of fact, I don't know whose toys he is enjoying more his or Rachel's?
He received his first real bike from us this year and has been riding it a bit in the house. I have made it clear that it is only because it is new and we will be putting it away soon...I hope that works. He also got a large set of Geo-Trax to add to his starter set her received for Christmas last year. He has been really enjoying it!
Rachel received a few Little People sets (roller coaster, airplane, and mini van). Levi is really glad we bought these for her...however, she enjoys playing with him. It is neat to see them do this more and more.
Thanks to ebay for making my gifts so stinking affordable!
Our New Year's plans will be different this year. We typically go out of town the that weekend, but we will be going to the Colts game on the 2nd and just didn't feel like traveling this year. We will probably do some special stuff with the kiddos and then change the clocks and celebrate the New Year at 8:00pm instead...this is for (Levi) the kids and then Matt and I will make a point to spend quality time with each other in the last few hours of 2010. There will still be the tradition of planning our trips for the following year and discussing other life goals for 2011. It may sound nerdy, but I look forward to that every year...the goals immediately give me something to look forward to in 2011.

I hope all who read this have a safe and Happy New Year and may God bless you and your family! But even more so may you and yours find new ways to bless God in 2011 : )