A milestone has been reached!
Little Miss Rachel Turned One Today!

In just one year...
That's right, we now officially have a toddler and a preschooler. In the last month, Rachel has "mastered" walking (she started really walking a week after turning 11 months) and is trying so very hard to say a few words (hi, momma, daddy, and others she has only said once). She does all of the signs that I have taught her (about five so far) and she definitely has a personality all her own. I sometimes can't get over how differently I love my children. All the same amount, but oh so differently. Rachel seems to be more expressive than Levi was at this stage. She has a more solid routine then he did as well. She eats 4 meals a day and a snack. She takes one nap starting between 12 and1 and usually sleeps 3 to 4 hours. She goes to bed no later than 8:30 most nights. The great thing is that if we are out and about and her "schedule" is totally thrown off, she seems to be fine with that too. I have truly enjoyed her first year and although I look forward to the next stage, I got a little sad today thinking of how fast time was flying by.
To celebrate her actual birth day, we went to Tuttle's farm and picked apples. Then we stopped by Taylor's Bakery for some cupcakes for after dinner. I know she won't remember this day, But I will and I have enjoyed it thoroughly. As a matter of fact, I had trouble sleeping last night because I was so excited for her birthday...I am not really sure why.
I hope to get another post up soon, but this month is VERY busy for us so it will probably be October before I post anything new.
Here are the pictures from the past month.

"Oh, there is something under this icing."

"I think I like it."

"Don't judge me!"

"Mom, that was fun...can we do it again?"
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