Look at me!
I'm Three!!!

Levi has been such a blessing to our family. He is smart, funny and very in tune with everything that is going on. He has a mind like a steel trap. I mean this kid doesn't forget a thing! He has an impeccable sense of direction for someone his age. He knows his right from left most of the time too. I could go on and on, but I know that I am the only one that could tolerate this for much longer.

(He was actually really excited about the balloons)
We let him decide what to do on his birthday and he chose Monkey Joe's and Chick-Fil-A. I bought a very small cake and three balloons to celebrate with and he loved them. He wanted to take the balloons everywhere we went. We convinced him to leave them in the car instead of bringing them in everywhere. We went to MJ's first and then met Grandma Judy at Chick-Fil-A for lunch. (Levi really likes to play at the play place at the Carmel Chick-Fil-A because they have a toy car you can crawl in). We ate lunch, sang "Happy Birthday", ate cake, and opened presents there, then went home. He crashed about 10 minutes into the ride home...that's when you know it was a success :)

It's a bird, it's a plane, no its Super Levi!

Forgot to take a pic before I started cutting it...oops

Here he is with his favorite gift from us. Cars are still a pretty big deal in this house. The movie Cars hasn't been requested in several weeks, but the toys get played with almost daily.

He ate some cake before opening presents...good thing too because once he opened presents...

~~The cake thief seized her opportunity to snag an extra piece as soon as all the adults were distracted with the gift opening...she later made her parents pay for this by being on a sugar high that lasted until about 3:00 that afternoon! Keep on the lookout for this bandit at your next birthday party.~~
(This has been a public service announcement)
It was so nice that both of the kids' birthdays fell on Tuesdays this year because we were able to spend their actual birthdays together as a family. We did have a relatively small birthday party the following Saturday. He got to invite three friends and the rest were family. I made cupcakes that he requested (funfetti) and I took him to the party store and let him pick out all the decorations. Most didn't match, but it was Levi through and through.

Levi and Daddy were in charge of decorating the cupcakes.

There was cake...again

and presents

and more presents

and even an after party where the guest of honor got a little silly

But all good things must come to an end
and no one really likes when their birthday party is over.
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