We are just zooming along it seems. Halloween is gone and Levi's birthday is in less than two weeks away. Then we will blink and and it will be Thanksgiving. I am really enjoying this time I have with my kids, but sometimes it feels like it is going too fast. Thankfully, I have my camera and this blog to help me put a bookmark in time so that I can go back to it anytime I need to :)
Do you like my rally cap?
We had our first official trick or treating with Levi. (We decided not to go out with him last year). He dressed as a monkey (very fitting if you ask me). I am proud to say that he was very polite at each house...as a matter of fact, when we got to the first house I said, "What do you say?" and Levi looked at the woman and said, "Pwease"...I was expecting "tricky treat" I was secretly glad to know that that is what he thought he should say.
They will enjoy this picture when they are older.
So to backtrack, in the month of October, we have been tackling the art of potty training. I hate it to be honest. I want to pull my hair out! HOWEVER, I am sticking with it. I have revamped my approach and started with little victories. We are going with pull-ups until he gets the idea of it and then we will transition to the cloth version of pull-ups. Then onto big boy underwear...To all of you that have your opinions on this tactic...remember, I have a newborn and I have to do what I can with her here too. We are trying to be realistic about where we are in life right now. I will keep you posted on our progress. At this time, he is going to the potty successfully when he gets up in the morning and when he gets up from his nap. He is still too busy to stop what he's doing and go to the potty...it is just going to take time. I am willing to take baby steps. This process is teaching me a lot. I am trying to embrace this challenge as it shows me some of my weaknesses. God is molding me even in this! **UPDATE** I wrote this last night, but today I was adding my pictures and getting ready to post when Levi decided to pull his own pull-ups down and go to the potty ALL BY HIMSELF!!! I was SO EXCITED!! Now I know that he is starting to get the connection between the feeling and the pee pee. It was just what I needed today, Thanks God :)

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