It's True, He's Two

Well the big day has come and gone. Levi is officially two years old! I can hardly believe it. We tried to make his day as special as possible. However, we celebrated as a family the day after because that is when Matt could go and do stuff with us. We started the morning off by going to breakfast. Then we headed to Grandma Judy's to drop Rachel off. From there, we headed to Monkey Joe's. If you haven't been there yet and you have a toddler or older child, GO! it was so much fun. I am not sure who had more fun, him or us. We were able to go with him on everything because he is under the age of 5. Here are some pics

And of course, we have to include a video:
Then we ended our "Levi time" with a trip to CC's pizza...yum! Then we took him home and he gladly went down for a nap. Our extended families got together the following Saturday for a little birthday party. We had a great time and Levi LOVED his presents.

I also have some funny stories to share. As Levi gets older, these are happening more and more. I am going to try to put them up on the blog right after they happen so that I don't forget them...that seems to be a real issue with me :(
One of the many things Levi is constantly getting in trouble for is getting on the computer. Well, the other day I saw him climbing on the chair to play with the computer and I said, "Levi, get down from there." To which he replied, "Mom, I'm busy, I workin." oooh the joys of a toddler.
The other day we were driving in the car to Grandma Judy's house and Rachel started crying. He looks over at her and says, "Rachel...enough." hmmm wonder where he heard that???
The last of my post has to do with pictures. We went to JCPenny's to have portraits of the two of them. I was really happy with the turn out.

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