Monday, February 11, 2013

No Smoking

Levi comes walking up to me with a little stick in his mouth. When I ask him to take it out of his mouth he informs me that it is his candle.
"Your candle?" I say

LEVI: "Ya you know how some people walk around with candles in their mouths and And they blow the smoke out."

ME:"Oh, yeah I know what you mean (realizing in my mind he is talking about a cigarette)."

LEVI:"Yeah, so I want to walk around with this. And they make people sick."

ME: "Why would you want to make yourself sick?"

LEVI:"They don't make you sick if you have it in your mouth. Only if you breath in the smoke. So it gets other people sick. Not me"

ME: "Well they get you sick too. That is a gross habit and I wouldn't want to do that if I were you."

LEVI: "If it is gross, why do people do it?"

ME: .... I honestly didn't know what to tell him.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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