Last month Rachel turned the big 2. Only 11 days after her sister came into the world, we had a party for the new Big Sister. She really likes rainbows and will pick them out instantly when she sees one in a picture or on TV so I chose this as the theme for her party. This meant a rainbow cake that my sister, Samantha, graciously made for her, M&M cookies, skittles, colored Goldfish crackers and lots of colorful plates, napkins, etc. She had a great time and it seemed that everyone else did too.
My sister really helped me out by making Rachel's cake.
Rachel loves rainbows so this cake couldn't have been more perfect!
Rachel the two-year old is definitely a new challenge. She is a high emotions kid. This means exuberantly happy and dramatically sad all in the same minute. Maybe this is just what makes her a girl too :) She is increasing in her verbal communication to where most people can understand about half of what she says. I can understand almost all of what she says. Her latest phrase is "It not fair!" and "Check i dout!" (Check it out). She loves Lauren very much and LOVES to give her the point of abuse sometimes. She is doing Mom's Day Out this year and after the first month, she doesn't cry or fuss when I leave. Considering her first month included a huge change at home, I am impressed. She also decided after Lauren came that she wanted to be a baby too...this meant she wanted to wear diapers. Thankfully, this was the only "baby" thing she wanted to imitate. In this past week she has started showing interest in the potty again. I hope this comes back quickly, but I am trying VERY HARD to let her lead. I am terrible at this parenting method. I want to truly let her give me the signs that she is ready, I don't want to push her into it. I jumped on it with her in August because she wanted to do it...then when Lauren came she changed her mind. I went with that too. It will come.
There is something about Rachel. Her laugh is so contagious. She is intense in all the great ways (and some of the bad ways too). Thankfully she is tough. She plays like one of the boys, but she can be dolled up like one of the girls. I hope that she is always able to find the balance with that. I just love her so much!
She tasted the icing and decided she was a big fan.
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