Lauren Rebecca Ferris 7lb 4oz 20inches.
Born at 9:54pm September 5th

"No pictures please. I am a mess!"
As the end of my pregnancy drew near, I began fantasizing about the perfect day for our little one to be born. I imagined, or dreamed really, about our baby being born on August 28th. When I saw that day come and go, I ran through several different scenarios. The due date and about every day within a 5 day radius. However, Labor Day was one of my top desires. I mean how many women get to say they labored on Labor Day? Well I am now one of the elite! Even though my labor started the night before, I spent almost my entire Labor Day preparing for the birth of our daughter. At 10:30pm on Sunday I had a contraction. It was enough to notice, but not painful (I had been having these kind for 3 weeks). About every hour to half hour, I would get another one. They were just intense enough to wake me up. I would return to sleep easily, but they persisted all night. I slept in (thank you Matthew) and took my time getting ready for the day. We just had Rachel at the house, so the morning was a little less chaotic than normal. We sat around until about 10 just eating breakfast and watching TV. We then decided to take a walk because it was such a great day for it and with only Rachel, we could get a nice long walk in. We walked to the park (1mile) around the loop of the park (.75mi) and home (1mi.) I was tired after that, but it probably helped keep the contractions coming. They were still about 15 minutes apart so I ate lunch and layed down on the couch for a bit and gave the Midwife a status report....I am famous for not notifying them in enough time for them to do more than come to my house, set up and deliver a baby. So, this heads up was out of my character and turned out to be a good thing. About 5:00 I made the call to the midwife that I thought she could casually make her way to the house. She arived around 6:15 and my contractions were about 7-9 minutes apart. Matt had taken the kids to his brother's house and picked up a few movies and things we needed at the grocery. I had started a soup for myself and the midwives for dinner. I really thought it could be a while. Then at about 8:00 the contractions got super intensense. We did a check shortly after and I was at a 9. That was both surprising and exciting to me. I figured a couple more contractions and it will be time to push....wrong. Again, I had that darn cirvical flap/lip/whatever. It sucks! I labored for another hour and 45 minutes or so. This was HARD labor and just shy of the urge to push. I was getting physically exhausted I had been standing for most of the day. (that is just how I like to labor). I finally said that I needed to lay down. I was becoming mentally defeated at this time too. I took three contractions in this position. That was a hard thing to do too. I am not one to lay down during a contraction! But it was what my body needed. Suddenly the urge to push was so strong, I leaped off the bed and squatted. I broke my water and the head came out immediate in that push. Then with the next, her body. Two minutes after flying off the bed, I had a baby in my arms. She took all day to get here, but when she was ready it was in a flash! She is so tiny and looks a lot like Rachel. I have already called her that once on accident...many more to come I am sure. I am on the baby high right now, but I have also gotten a few hours of solid sleep. She ate great all night and then slipped off to dream land and is still sleeping soundly next to me. I am in love!
Shazaam! Congratulations honey. Give the little puddin' head a kiss for me, and tell her Papaw will see her soon. Love, Dad.
awww Bri said the other day she got a text from your sister but I never got an update so I went to your FB page and found the link to your blog! CONGRATS! Another girl!!!!!! :)
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