Potty Party: The Sequel

So the years are starting to fly by and before I knew it I am staring my least favorite part of parenting (thus far) in the face once again. That's right, potty training. I hate it for lots of reasons. I won't list them all, but basically I am constantly second guessing my methods and wondering if my child will ever get it. I know from experience that they will. Levi was potty trained before he was 2 1/2 and was staying dry all night a few months after turning 3. However, the first year of potty training or being potty trained was stressful. I have been told that girls are easier and that the second child is easier as well...although I know that this is not 100% across the board true, I am hoping that it is in my case. I was not sure if I even wanted to attempt this milestone before the Ferris Finale arrives, but Rachel (having no concept of her near future) has been stripping off her clothes, peeing in her bed, and also refusing to wear diapers at home. So at 22 months I see no other course of action but to take the leap.
The 20 minute timer method was a joke for Levi and totally impractical for us. It works for lots of people so I am not knocking it all together. Each kid has a method that works for them. So I was in search of a new method for Rachel. She is aware of what her body was doing, but we needed to help her know what to do with that function. Thus, the 3 day method of stalking your child and running them to the potty as soon as you see an accident occurring is what we are going with. We are on day 1 right now. I think I can handle this for 2 more days...or more. At this moment I am going to commit to this idea of staying home and observing her (almost) every move for the foreseeable future. It is too hot to go anywhere anyway and if I have errands I will just wait to go in the evening by myself! (I love doing that anyway).
Day 1: So far we have had 3 pee-pee occurrences. All three started somewhere else, but ended on the potty. Plus a big victory. She pooped on the potty and not in her panties! This victory alone has made the day a success in my book. I saw the look of grimace on her face and suggested we go sit on the potty. She went without any fuss. I was elated! She got a prize and she genuinely looked proud of herself. Here's to hoping day 2 goes better in the pee pee department.
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