The Evil Spork

Levi has been watching "Lord of the Beans" non stop these past few weeks. He loves it and frankly, so do I...I am growing tired of watching it multiple times a day, but overall it is one of my favorite Veggie Tales movies. (I like them all though).
Well, today we were at Costco and they had tons of samples (the kids got their snack time in while we were there). When we got to the yogurt guys, I grabbed a sample and a spoon and dug in. When I had cleaned off the end I realized it was a spork. Excitedly I asked Levi, "Hey, what's this?!" His eyes lit up as if I had found the golden ticket. He said "A Spork!" I gave it to him and that was that. He was fortunate enough to benefit from Daddy getting a sample as well. He came home and asked me to draw eyes and a mouth on them and has been playing with them all evening. He also ate dinner with them, and I am trying not to see that as gross.
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