Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
About that one on the way...
I feel that I have not adequately mentioned this baby enough in this blog. I have announced the pregnancy and it seems to have been left a mystery from there. So, here is an update:
My life with two children is really becoming comfortable. I enjoy both of them so much! It has been neat to see the differences and the strong similarities that they possess. Levi is so good at being the big brother. He takes his role very seriously. Rachel has learned what pushes his buttons and also how to get his attention. When they are playing some game they made up together I just want to freeze time and watch them for hours. It melts my heart. As she becomes more verbal and capable of pretend play, I anticipate even more games and silliness. I hope that they help each other through the process of welcoming another sibling into the family. Levi is excited about the baby, but Rachel (although clueless) is very jealous of me with any other baby. Hopefully, that will change when it is one that lives with us all the time.
Levi named the baby “Leeka” very early on. He says that Leeka is a girl, but he always refers to her as a him. When I ask him about this he is quick to say that Leeka is a girl. He rarely does this with children he can see. He knows that girls are “her” and boys are “him”. I think maybe he is just covering his bases so that he will be right either way. He includes Baby Leeka in his prayers and talks to my tummy daily. He also loves to give Leeka hugs. I think he will be a great big brother to this baby. He was so young when Rachel came that he seemed ambivalent to her. He never asked when she was going back or seemed to care one way or another. This time, he seems to get a little of what is going to happen. I also wonder if he will still call the baby Leeka when he/she is welcomed into the world.
We plan to do another home birth and I am thanking God for a seamless pregnancy so far. I know my summer will be full of rotund days laying by a pool or in the air conditioning, but what is one summer of your life? Besides, I am an old pro at being prego all summer. I am due Labor Day weekend so I am hoping for some inspiration on or before that holiday. :)
Monday, April 18, 2011