So I haven't been able to keep up with all of the things that have happened over the past month.Starting with May...
Levi was dedicated at our church on Mother's Day. It was an extra special day because of that. Both sets of grandparents were there and we were able to get some good pictures of all of us together. Then they all came over to our house for lunch. It was a good day.
Levi really began his form of crawling in May as well. He scoots his legs under his body, picks himself up on his hands and knees and then throws his body forward...this process continues until he gets where he wants to go. I is very cute, and I assume it will get better with time.
He is also cutting his first two teeth and man are they taking FOREVER! They started getting puffy and swollen about 3 weeks we are to the point where we can pretty much see them just below the surface. The skin above them is very thin, but nothing has popped through. However, I would have to say that his attitude has not changed very much. He still sleeps through the night and takes good naps (overall), he is just a little more clingy than usual.
We have also officially started solid foods. I am not weaning him at all yet, just adding some calories to his diet. He had his 6 month well check and he had only gained 7 oz in 8 weeks! He was gaining 32 oz in 8 weeks...the doctor didn't seem too concerned given that he did gain weight and he is healthy, but I have to bring him in this week for a weight and height check. So, that in combination with the fact that he is 6 months, we thought we would introduce some food to him. Nothing serious, just some avocado, applesauce, sweet peas, and sweet potatoes. He does pretty good with all of them, but right now he is ALL about sweet potatoes. He only eats about a jar a day, but keep in mind that is in addition to all of his nursings too. Hopefully we will see him gain a solid pound this month...I'll keep you posted.

Other than that, we are just advancing towards toddler hood one day at a time. He pulls himself up to standing on various things so now the exersaucer is no longer a toy to be sat in, but a toy to stand on the outside of...he can stand and play with/hold onto a toy for about 30 is unreal!

Levi is having an in depth conversation with his cousin Kassidy.
There has not been much to report for June yet. Levi has played in his first kiddie pool, and I would have to say that is more work than going to the Y, because at least I can hold him in my arms at the Y. We have been trying to keep cool in the heat by wearing hats and drinking water from a sippy cup. We are selling our house so Levi has had to deal with fewer of his toys being available. We haven't sold our place yet, so we have to keep it really clean for showings...that is a bit stressful, but hey, it will be okay :)
1 comment:
YAY!! I had been checking but hadn't seen the update...til now! Good job Mama Ferris;) And good job Dada Ferris for holding down the chiro fort...keep going you guys! You are doing an amazing job and you probably don't hear it enough but you are a great team and great parents! May God continue blessing you with a new home and more than you could dream of! "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Gal 6:9 Keep going even if it's tough at times...God WILL bless you!
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