Well, I know it has been a while since I have posted anything,
but I have a few new things to report.
but I have a few new things to report.
Levi finally rolled over for Matthew yesterday! We were at his parents house for lunch and after we ate I sat him down on the floor in the front room and I told Matthew to watch him because he was going to roll over for him today...for the past six week he has been rolling over (from belly to back) in his crib two and three times a night, but Matthew had yet to witness the actual rolling over...until yesterday that is. Ironically, he was wearing the exact same outfit that he was the very first time he rolled over! (I know, only a mother would actually know that).
Also we had his four month well check on Tuesday. He weighs 12lbs. 8 oz. and is 25 1/4 inches long. So he is towards the bottom of the weight and towards the top of the height. I expect him to be a bit of a lightweight through most of his infancy...and that is just fine with me :) He is gaining a pound a month and that is a healthy, steady increase according to the doctor :)

Levi must have learned this trick from his cousin Drew.
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