A new year and I already missed a month of posts...
Well, I may not be off to a good start, but the memories will be made whether they are cemented on the internet or not.
Rachel is already saying new words left and right but with her 2nd birthday at the end of the summer, we look forward to a much more comprehensive vocabulary in the coming months. She is also learning to "run with the big dogs" more each day. She and Levi are becoming better playmates. I enjoy watching them run around after each other and play little made up games together.
Levi is really starting to get the hang of being a big brother. He even tells Rachel to call him Bubby. I try to get her to say Levi (I know this is a hard name to say) and she doesn't even attempt it because usually I will say, "Rachel can you say Levi?" to which he immediately says, "No, Mom, she can call me Bubby. I want her to call me Bubby."
He is also ending the last phases of potty training. He has moved out of the pull-ups-at-night stage. He stayed dry for a week and other than one early morning accident has remained dry through the nights for about a month. I was proud of myself for not forcing this issue as I have a tendency to do. I simply told myself that he would do it when his body was ready, and you know what? He did. Potty training was one of the most frustrating things I have done as a parent. I allowed others to cause me stress and in turn put undue stress and unrealistic expectations on my child. I hope to not repeat the same mistakes....I also hope that Rachel is easier to potty train :)
So enough about things that only I will look back fondly on. On to what most of my readers really care about. The Pictures!
The Sides of Levi



A bit crazy (from the hair down)

His serious/artistic side. Clearly stickers are the new tattoo.
Rachel: A Celebrity in the Making

Not always happy to see the paparazzi, she had some choice words for them that day.

All too young, she is trying to shed that "baby girl" image.

Gotta love when you are caught in a "bad mom" moment.
Putting your baby on the ground to take a phone call will get you in trouble every time.

And then there are those fashion faux pas
that will live in digital eternity. Too many sippie cups never lead to any good.

But when you've got it all together it isn't so bad to have your picture taken.

As long as they get your good side :)
Sweet Togetherness

I think this is a right of passage.

Happy Valentine's Day!
Levi would say cheese, but not take his eyes off the TV.

Brotherly love.

They wanted to watch a movie together.