Yesterday we went to the doctors to have a weight check done on Rachel. While we were in the waiting room, Levi decided to run around the entire room...we may have been the only ones there, but it is not acceptable nonetheless. So, after a warning he ended in time out. I told him to come over and sit down next to me for a time out. He complied and after about a minute a gentlemen walked in and sat down across from us. Levi looked at him and said, "You in time out too?" Needless to say, the guy and I both burst out laughing.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A mini Rachel post:

Rachel Milena
~9 Months~
I took Rachel in for a 9 month weight check. We decided to forgo her well check, but wanted to make sure her weight was still on the rise. I anticipated that it would be good, and it was. She weighed in at 15 lbs 3 oz. This puts her just below the 5th% I believe. She is also 27 1/4 inches long. I was really not worried, but it felt good to hit the 15lb range...why? I don't really know. This weight thing means less and less to me, but I want to record it for posterity. She is still the smallest baby for her age that I know, and I couldn't care less :)
In this ninth month we have cut out a feeding and have decided to dive head first into table foods. I have discovered that this girl loves to eat! She has been a good eater from the start, but now she is experiencing table foods...and it is a success! She likes peas, black beans, cheese, and carrots. We will continue to add foods to this list. Oh and the other day I had a piece of chicken and she went after it with vengeance. She took several little bites so that may be something that we try in the near future.

I know, it's scary how much they look alike,
the point of this picture is that you can see her teeth.
Look closely at the bottom gum.

Look how big she is getting!
She has done a few free stands (3 seconds is her record).
Thursday, June 03, 2010
And so it begins...
Rachel has finally started getting teeth. I saw them yesterday under the last layer of skin. Sometime over night, she broke both of the bottom teeth through. Just a few days past 8 1/2 months she has gotten her first teeth. She was a bit fussy yesterday, but other than that, she had no issue with them. Her sleep was not interrupted, which is a blessing. Let's hope the other 18 she will get in her toddler years are that good to her!
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

A Memorable Memorial Day Weekend
This year we decided to take a mini vacation over Memorial Day weekend. We headed up to Naperville, IL (a suburb of Chicago). Matthew has cousins all throughout Chicago area so we had the chance to see almost all of them. We stayed with the Malesich clan. They have 4 kids (6, 8, 10 and 12). Levi has tons of fun with them. He even slept in the boys' room while we were there! This is one of those things that makes you realized they are growing up. He had a hard time falling asleep the first night, but after that he did pretty well. I hope to continue this trend in the future.
While we were there, Rachel got her first experience with a pool. That is when we discovered that we gave birth to a fish. She LOVED the water. If you took her out of it, she would squirm until you put her back in. She had the biggest smiles on her face! She didn't even fuss when she got splashed.

They were quite the pair this weekend.

Joey and Rachel
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