The big day is approaching...
Even though Saturday is my actual due date, I am in the "any day now" zone. I could go tomorrow, I could go a week from tomorrow...God only knows :)
I am dealing with the wait better than expected at this point. Humor and God have helped me to be content with where I am. I am definitely ready to be a mommy of two instead of a prego with a toddler, but I am happy to wait for the day to come on it's own.
We have been working like mad men to finish up the projects around the house. Due to the hail storm in June, we have gotten a new roof and siding...which included paint and gutters. The entire project was officially finished today. We went from a gray house with aluminum siding and a black roof, to an olive green house with khaki trim and a brown roof. We love the new colors and were thankful that we didn't have to paint it. (If you would have seen our house a month ago, you would have noticed how badly the trim needed painted.)
Moving to the inside, we have finished both kid's rooms this summer and also Matt worked diligently to close up the loft. He is not
completely finished, but he is at a stopping point until the baby comes. The next step would require mudding and sanding...which is a bad idea with a newborn to arrive the fully pregnant wife can't handle the mess it makes :) We will pick back up in the spring but the pictures show that he really made some great progress, and I am so proud of him!!
On to Levi...what can I say about my ever-changing boy. He is always saying something new, trying a new physical skill, or amazing me with his ability to entertain himself and be in a pretend atmosphere. He has started a Mom's day out program on Fridays. He did really well at the first one and I think it will be a great thing for him throughout the next 8 months as we adjust to a 4 person family. We have been trying to do a few more fun things with him these last few weeks since life is about to change drastically for him. We went to the pool this past weekend and he started jumping in the pool without being caught. (He wears a suit with floaties in the chest and back area.) He would go completely under and then pop back up. I couldn't believe that he actually wanted to do that! He did it again and again. Each time he would pop back up without gasping or spitting...somehow he knows how to not let water up his nose!?? We have been hitting the park and playing in the backyard more than is doing us both some good. We have been trying to get the skill of coloring without eating the crayons down in the last week, and I think we are making progress. He is asking to color now and I have only seen him eat one crayon in the last couple of days (seeing him is the tricky part...there may have been more casualties...who knows). That brings me to a cute story: Today I opened the fridge after he had colored and moved on to something else, only to find two crayons in the fridge...granny smith green and plum...I enjoyed the irony of that :)
Well enough blabbing for now, on to the pictures:
The House Before...

The House After...

They even painted our mini barn :)
Now the new "loft" which is now a 4th bedroom. The outside is done, but the inside needs mud and sand on a few walls and paint on all of the walls.

Now the promised pictures of Baby Girl's room. I was able to decorate for less than $70. The entire bedding set came from ebay!

Now an update from Levi's head injury: He healed in record time and we have some photos to remember it by:
Now you can hardly tell it happened. The hair will grow over it nicely.
Here is his first day of Mom's Day Out program