Four Weeks AWAY from a big change in our family...
Well, here I am at 36 weeks prego and we are trying to pack a lot of fun into the weeks ahead. We have also been packing in the projects at home. Recently Levi has developed a love for climbing and jumping and other dare-devil activities...this has prompted us to close in our loft. It will remain a play room, but it will be closed in like a bedroom.
(The loft did have rails before this picture.)
I will post pictures of the finished product when I have a finished product, but just so you know, the walls were put up the same day the rails came down :)

The project that I talked about in my last post has been completed for a while now, but my ability to update the blog was hindered by a password glitch. So, here are the pictures of Levi's big-boy room!

I know the chair looks weird, but it was just sitting around the house so we use it to read stories to him at night before he goes to bed and it is nice to have something to sit on when we are in his room. The recliner that we used to use is now in his sister's room waiting to be used again. I will post pictures of her room soon, but I forgot to take any before it got cluttered with the toys from the loft.
We have also been filling our time with going to the Fishers' Concert Series each Tuesday in June and July. Well, I should say Matthew and Levi have gone to almost all of them. I only made it to the last one because I work on Tuesday nights. However, the time I got to go was a lot of fun. I got to see Levi get down and boogie...
So, all of those activities were actually in July...with that being said, what have we done in August??? Not a whole lot unfortunately. We have been busy, but not with the fun things. We have gone to the pool lots of times, and we have tried to do some things as a family, but this weekend and the next couple of weeks should be a blast! We went to the zoo as a family yesterday and Levi really enjoyed the animals this time. He has only been one other time, but he has learned a lot more about animals since his last visit.
We went to the dolphin show...

He sat in silence the entire show and just stared at the dolphins. We had a good time.
Then we saw all kinds of animals. He was able to identify a lot of the basic animals by just looking at them...those books are starting to pay off :)
Here he is in front of the "elesants" as he calls them.

It was a hot day and he was exhausted by the end of the 2.5 hours that were spent at the zoo. But our fun didn't end there. Later that evening we headed up to my cousin's house in Marion. We had a cookout and all the kids were playing and having a great time. Levi was the youngest by at least two years, but the other kids did a great job of including him. They even let him jump on the beds with them...which is where my story takes a nose dive...Levi couldn't hold his own and before I knew it the kids were coming out of the bedroom saying that the baby was bleeding. I, of course, turn on my super speed and am at his side in milliseconds. He comes out of the bedroom under his own power, but he is crying. I don't see much at first, except a little blood on his hand. He points to his head and that is when I see it...he has a gash on the crown of his head. For those of you who don't know, head wounds bleed profusely! I knew this but momentarily forgot. I see the back of his neck drenched and it is running down his shirt. I pick him up and immediately take him to Matthew in the dinning room. He takes him from me and rushes him to the sink to start washing away the blood. For a minute or two I just look at my hands covered in blood and sit and watch him be practically dunked under the running water in order to clean the blood. They clean it up enough to start compressing it. This is where I pull it together and decide to help. He is asking for me so I take him in my arms and hold the towel on the back of his head. He then stops crying and looks at me and says, "I poud uh you".
This is what we say to him when he is being brave. So I just smile and say to him, "Buddy, I am so proud of YOU. You are being so brave." He then continues to tell me that he wants to go play. He wants to go jump. I tell him that's really not a good idea right now.
So in the matter of 5 minutes he goes from crying and gushing blood, to asking if he can go play are so resilient. The update to this story is that the gash was significant, but stitches were not necessary. We have cleaned the wound and he has a bald spot where Matthew had to shave him a little to help the wound close. The bad part is that he has to wrap his head well so that Levi can't pull the bandage off. Thus, it looks worse than it is. Here is the only picture I have of the head dressing.

Sorry about the picture...I have tried rotating it and it still appears like this when I upload...not on my desktop though...go figure. Anyway, until next time :)

Then we saw all kinds of animals. He was able to identify a lot of the basic animals by just looking at them...those books are starting to pay off :)
Here he is in front of the "elesants" as he calls them.

It was a hot day and he was exhausted by the end of the 2.5 hours that were spent at the zoo. But our fun didn't end there. Later that evening we headed up to my cousin's house in Marion. We had a cookout and all the kids were playing and having a great time. Levi was the youngest by at least two years, but the other kids did a great job of including him. They even let him jump on the beds with them...which is where my story takes a nose dive...Levi couldn't hold his own and before I knew it the kids were coming out of the bedroom saying that the baby was bleeding. I, of course, turn on my super speed and am at his side in milliseconds. He comes out of the bedroom under his own power, but he is crying. I don't see much at first, except a little blood on his hand. He points to his head and that is when I see it...he has a gash on the crown of his head. For those of you who don't know, head wounds bleed profusely! I knew this but momentarily forgot. I see the back of his neck drenched and it is running down his shirt. I pick him up and immediately take him to Matthew in the dinning room. He takes him from me and rushes him to the sink to start washing away the blood. For a minute or two I just look at my hands covered in blood and sit and watch him be practically dunked under the running water in order to clean the blood. They clean it up enough to start compressing it. This is where I pull it together and decide to help. He is asking for me so I take him in my arms and hold the towel on the back of his head. He then stops crying and looks at me and says, "I poud uh you".
This is what we say to him when he is being brave. So I just smile and say to him, "Buddy, I am so proud of YOU. You are being so brave." He then continues to tell me that he wants to go play. He wants to go jump. I tell him that's really not a good idea right now.
So in the matter of 5 minutes he goes from crying and gushing blood, to asking if he can go play are so resilient. The update to this story is that the gash was significant, but stitches were not necessary. We have cleaned the wound and he has a bald spot where Matthew had to shave him a little to help the wound close. The bad part is that he has to wrap his head well so that Levi can't pull the bandage off. Thus, it looks worse than it is. Here is the only picture I have of the head dressing.

Sorry about the picture...I have tried rotating it and it still appears like this when I upload...not on my desktop though...go figure. Anyway, until next time :)