April and May...many firsts.
So I think this is the longest I have gone without an update...so much has happened and I hate that I haven't been keeping you all updated. I hope to make shorter, more frequent posts from now on. Anyway, enough excuses! Let's get to the good stuff.
Levi had his first "big-boy" black eye in April. He fell and hit his cheek bone/bottom of the eye area on a single step. He does stairs fairly well, but a fall was bound to happen. He on fell no one stair and the wound was pretty small, but as it healed it turned into a black eye. It took about 2 and a half weeks to completely go away.

He also got to go to the Indy Zoo for the first time. A friend of mine and her son , Tommy invited us to go. The boys had a lot of fun and Levi slept like a rock after we left...we wore him out!

Levi and Tommy playing in some water.

Levi distracted by a butterfly.
During the day, Levi likes to sit at our computer and pretend he is "working" (I guess that is what he is doing). He calls it "sitting". He will sit and play on the computer for a good 10-15 minutes straight.

Apparently, he thinks he is an angel...there are days I would agree...there are days I would vehemently disagree.

This past weekend we also spent time with ALL of our immediate family. Matthew's sister and her family were in town from NC so we were able to spend some time with them. Also we had a get together at my parents' house. So Levi got to spend some quality time with all of his cousins. We weren't able to get many pictures of the cousins on Matt's side, but they will be here this weekend and that will be a priority.
Levi and Natalie doing a beautiful duet on the piano at Mamaw Debbie's
Mamaw, Levi, Natalie, and Lilly got a chance to explore the neighbor's Coy pond.
Levi also got some quality time with Aunt Sammy.
We had a house-church (like a small group) party at our house on the Friday before Memorial Day. Levi had a great time running around with all the other kids. He partied until about 10:30 that night.
Levi actually took this picture. Otherwise I wouldn't post it.
Maybe he has a future in photography.

Finally, we started a garden this year. We are very blessed to have a raised-bed garden built in our back yard. Levi is able to be out back with me while I plant. So here is where I stared on Tuesday. My helper was ready to get dirty!
After about an hour I was finished planting...
I had lost my helper to a game of ball, but he put in some hard work. Well, I guess that is what you would assume by the dirt on his face/hands/clothes/feet.
This close up is quite a sight. From the dirt around his mouth I have to assume that he probably at least tried some dirt...or maybe he just wiped his nose a few times...who's to say?
One last thing I have to mention is that Levi went pee pee on the potty today! I have to mark it before I forget. We started potty training this week. We are just trying to introduce it to him in the morning. I want him to get into the habit of waking up and going to the potty. We have been trying to get the timing down all week and finally today he did it! We have a long road ahead, but so far, he is receptive to the idea. Just keep us in your prayers that we would be aware of the right steps to take in this BIG process.