Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I am getting worse at my updates or so it seems. Maybe the pace of cool new things has just slowed down a bit...who knows. Anyway, Levi has had a really cool(cold) January. He is getting to experience things that he's never experienced before. He is going to daycare 2 days a week and it appears that he is loving it. He eats better for her than me! He is also enjoying the other kids. I miss him when we are apart, but I enjoy the time to myself to. I have been teaching at Gymboree since November, and I really like it. I am only there 3 days a week and Matthew is home with Levi one of those days, so he gets a Daddy day each week. Levi also got his first taste of snow today. You will see that I mean that literally when you see the pictures down below. I have a couple of cute moments to share with you this time so I will end my babbling and get to the good stuff...the pictures.

Even though he hasn't used his exersaucer correctly in about 6 months, he still likes to sneak in it a remember what it was like to be a baby...ahh...memories. "I remember it like it was yesterday..."

Here he is enjoying a mean meal of mac and cheese.

Just wanted to get a close up of the gooey cheese on his hands and face. It was not fun to clean off, and I think a bath immediately followed.

This is a strange, but cute picture. He is chewing on a rubber-finger-toothbrush. He likes to chew on it and it is to big to be swallowed. I want to take it away from him, but look how happy it makes him.

So in order to mark the date of the biggest snow in Levi's lifetime (so far) we got him all suited up and let him "play" in the snow. He actually seemed to like it. Do to the sunshine we were able to spend a decent amount of time out there.

Okay, before you judge me for taking this picture, I want you to hear me out. I had the camera in my hand and my finger was on the button. He fell, I used my free hand and sat him upright, and simply snapped the shot a second later and then proceeded to quickly put the camera away and wipe off his face. It took about two extra seconds to do all that...but I have a picture for life. And for the record he only wined a little no real outburst.

I know what your thinking...that kid from "The Christmas Story" right?

Maybe he is ready to go in...or maybe he just forgot what cement looked like...without snow and all.

This is just before we went inside. I think it is safe to say he had a really good time.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

The Holidays are over and gone...the normality must return.

We had a great couple of weeks spending extra time together as a family and spending time with our extended family. That is truly my favorite part about the holidays. Levi didn't really care much about opening presents this year, but he did enjoy gift bags, tissue paper, and the gift itself. I will have a couple of pictures up soon of him and his new toys. He has been playing with all of them a lot. I don't think he got too spoiled...

I don't really have too much to report except that I am increasingly amazed by how much Levi is changing every day. He is communicating so much these days. It is making things a lot easier. He has been doing a few baby signs (just the ones we taught him) such as milk and more. We will probably try to add "all done" to the list soon, because when he is done now he just spits out the last bite...yeah, its messy and gross. So, with that said, I just have a few cute pictures to share, and that's it.

Levi striking a pose before we sat for our holiday card picture.

13 month picture...he is so darn cute...and I think he knows it.

My son is a bit hooked on McDonald's fries...don't worry, it is a rare treat. He still needs to gain some lbs anyway.

These are the best bubbles, you can catch them and they don't pop right away. This one got stuck right on his face!

This is just a funny face.