Okay, so I know that I have not updated my (Levi's) blog in over a month, but I have a really good excuse. (And thus the first announcement in my large post). WE MOVED!! :) We have left our wonderful first home where Levi was born. We wanted to move now before we had another baby, and no, I'm not pregnant, but we thought it would be easier to move now...plus the market..blah, blah, blah...anyway, we LOVE the new house and things are moving along nicely. However, we do not have the internet yet, so updating the blog has been difficult/impossible. I am doing my best though to keep informed though. With that said, this is going to be a full post.
So we start off with some events before the big move.

(Matthew's cousin's kids from Chicago).
It won't be long and he will be running around with them.

Here is Levi taking his oral hygiene very seriously.
We hope he makes Dr. Smith very proud.
We hope he makes Dr. Smith very proud.

Here is Levi hard at work with Daddy.
I may have a future "Tek Hed" on my hands.
I may have a future "Tek Hed" on my hands.

This is Grant and Levi at the Symphony on the Prairie. This was a first for Grant but Levi was an old pro. I think this was his Third for the year.

Now this picture is how I lost "Mother of the Year"award. This is a Lindt White Chocolate Ball. While I was packing feverishly, to move the next day, Levi got into a box with these candies in it, unwrapped the candy and took his first bite of chocolate
(to my knowledge anyway).
(to my knowledge anyway).

So now we come to the big move. At the end of August we moved to another subdivision in Fishers. It was a short move but it took a lot of help from some key people. You know who you are and we thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts.
Okay so I am going to take a small break from the list of updates to share some cute pictures.
This is Levi going down the slide ALL BY HIMSELF!!!
FYI: He did this about 30 times before I would video it, he's safe.
Back to the post...(more video at the end)
With the move, we also experienced some firsts. Levi had his first sleep over at Mamaw Debbie and Papaw Larry's house. He did excellent according to the grandparents.
He has also taken his first steps!!! He took 4 steps on Sunday, September 14th. Just 2 days before his 10-month birthday.
He also began saying a few more words. "No" and "Yeah" are more clear now along with "Mamma" and "Dadda". No real strong verbal communication yet, but we can tell when he wants a particular thing and his pointing is getting better.
We went to the Creation Museum for the first time. They had a Petting Zoo and Botanical Garden there as well, so let Levi meet some new animals.
Levi and his new friend, Goat.
This is Camel...he was not our friend...he tried to steal our stroller.
This one is my favorite. He liked her nose.
Here we are on one of the bridges in the Botanical Garden.
Finally, today, we went to Stuckey Farm to pick apples (another first) with our friends, the Summerfields. Levi enjoyed trying a few different kinds of apples while I picked them. Matthew and I together picked 30lbs. Almost a full bushel! He did most of the picking.
Levi picked this one and munched on it for about 20 minutes. He likes Galas!
I know, totally cute!
Oh the sweet taste of victory!
Finally, a small video from today at Stuckey Farms. ENJOY!
FYI: He did this about 30 times before I would video it, he's safe.
Back to the post...(more video at the end)
With the move, we also experienced some firsts. Levi had his first sleep over at Mamaw Debbie and Papaw Larry's house. He did excellent according to the grandparents.
He has also taken his first steps!!! He took 4 steps on Sunday, September 14th. Just 2 days before his 10-month birthday.
He also began saying a few more words. "No" and "Yeah" are more clear now along with "Mamma" and "Dadda". No real strong verbal communication yet, but we can tell when he wants a particular thing and his pointing is getting better.
We went to the Creation Museum for the first time. They had a Petting Zoo and Botanical Garden there as well, so let Levi meet some new animals.

Finally, today, we went to Stuckey Farm to pick apples (another first) with our friends, the Summerfields. Levi enjoyed trying a few different kinds of apples while I picked them. Matthew and I together picked 30lbs. Almost a full bushel! He did most of the picking.

Finally, a small video from today at Stuckey Farms. ENJOY!