He's a growing boy!

We went to the doctor's office again today...to weigh in.
Two weeks ago he weighed 13lb 5oz. We were contemplating taking him to Riley Hospital for some tests on Failure to Thrive. I didn't feel at peace with these tests, but the doctor felt they were necessary. I have been praying about this for the last two months...I felt like something simple would fix this issue. We had tried solid foods, but he just wasn't consistently interested. I continued to pray about it while we tried one last idea.
I started giving him Yo Baby yogurt and also a bottle of formula each day in addition to all of the nursings. This sounds like a simple fix, but I had a hard time giving him formula...those who nurse could probably relate to that feeling. Anyway, he was getting an additional 12 oz of food to my nursing him 7 times a day. This along with prayers has given him the weight he needed to almost be on the charts again.
He now weighs 14lbs 4oz!!!Thank you Jesus! Also, thank you to everyone who has said a prayer for Levi. From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate every word you have prayed on his behalf. At this time, we are going to cancel the tests scheduled at Riley Hospital and continue the yogurt and formula as I try to slowly encourage him to explore and enjoy other foods. Today I was hoping for 14 lbs and that would have made me very happy, but God showed up in a big "weigh" and gave him 4 more ounces!
"And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us."
-1 John 5:14
I am constantly humbled by God's everlasting love for us.